Monday, August 2, 2010


Hi Bloggers and Blogets. So this is my first entry and time doing this I use to say to myself I would never do anything like this cause i didnt want people to know that much about me but now I dont care I am who I am and  like I have always said if you can't get with that then get gone. I think whoever joins my Blog will enjoy reading my post cause I dont hold back I say exactly what I mean and how it came to my mind. So basically lets see I dont have a life. I have been stuck in the house this whole entire summr becaue my car needed fixing and it took 3 weeks just for us to get it to the mechanic shop and now that it is there..... once they fixed the suppose it ly problem (cant remember how to spell right now) the jerking didnt stop so now they supposeitly know why my truck is jerking and shit. Oh this is not for PG eyes lol. Anyways the part itself cost $700 brand new and about $500 used so where still looking and I'm still cooped up in this apartment I'm so damn tired of counting the white walls I even think my son is going a little crazy too. I'm currently taking summer classes but they end in about three days & my History class is on my membrane cause I have actually been trying but I'm still failing the exams cause they give you 1 hour to do 50 DAMN question. If I get a C I will be highly pissed off. Cause I actually tired this time hell. I'm piss just typing about it. Plus my friend is hear to visit so that totally put a damper on my Diet and will set my back some pounds I haven't weigh myself since the 28 cause I don't wanna know what the scale says. OK so since I'm on my you know what I took the liberty to order myself some Zhen De Shou pills from www. and I'm looking into Melzitang if the girl gets back to me here's her website ~~~~> Because I dot wanna gain back the 17lbs I lost not allot but its definitely a starter to getting down to my 130lb. OK so I know you guys don't know nothing about me so you should go check out my youtube channel it explains it all. Basically I'm trying to lose weight so I was on HCG, Phentermine, B6, B12, And Lipo BC Pills, and I got some really good hoodia that actually works from as a back up. Here is my stats I was 217.6 on July 1st and July 28 I was 200 so you see i will add pictures as soon as I figure out how.

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